8th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile

KUNWAR RAM, SHRI, B.A., [Congress (I)—Bihar Nawada, (Res. Sch. Castes), 1984]  s. of late Shri Aklu Ram; b. at Chitkohra Village, Patna Sadar, Patna, January 14, 1928; m. Shrimati Shanti Devi; 3 s. and 4 d.; Social Worker, Agriculturist and Trader; General Secretary 1977-80, (i) Bihar Pradesh Congress Committee (I), (ii) Akhil Bharat Anusuchit Jati Parishad; Patron, Anusuchit Jati and Jan Jati Kalyan Sangh Balko, Koraba, Distt. Bilaspur; Member, (i) Patna Zila Congress Committee, (ii) Patna Improvement Trust, (iii) Patna Regional Development Authority; Chairman, (i) Patna Division Consultative Committee for Bihar Electricity Board, (i) Amarpur High School Managing Committee, Noubatpur, Patna; Life Member, Bharat Krishak Samaj; Member, (i) Bihar Legislative Assembly, 1962-68, 1970-76 and 1976-78, (ii) Seventh Lok Sabha, 1980-84.

Social activities:  Worked for the upliftment and security of weaker sections of society as a member and office-bearer of both Government and non-Government organisations and committees.

Favourite pastime and recreation:  Reading.

Special interests:  Searching out ways to settle disputes in society.

Sports and clubs: Football.

Permanent address:  Chitkohra, Beur Road, P.O., Anisabad,  Patna  District, Bihar.