8th Lok Sabha
Members Bioprofile

SINGH, SHRI BHANU PRATAP, [Congress (I)—Uttar Pradesh, Pilibhit 1984]  s. of Shri Daulat Rai Yadubansi; b. at Agras Village and Post Office, Bareilly District, February 3, 1935; studied upto High School level and thereafter Ayurved College, Pilibhit; m. Smt Gayatri Devi, May, 1956; 2 s. and 1 d.; Agriculturist; took part in freedom movement; Member, Zila Congress Committee, Bareilly since 1964; General Secretary, Zila Congress Committee, 1967-72; Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Dairy and Animal Husbandry, Government of Uttar Pradesh, 1972; Minister of State for Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Sugarcane, 1980 and Cabinet Minister for (i) Sugarcane, Excise and Revenue and Agriculture, Dairy, Gardening and Excise Department 1980; Member, Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly, 1969-74 and 1980-84.

Social activities:  Gave training in weapons to the public during Chinese aggression; organised Seminars on Family Planning, Rural Development and Health; dedicated for the upliftment of old widows and poor children, patron of many schools; leader of farmers for the last 20 years and took initiative in agricultural development and seed-testing; President of many Unions.

Favourite pastime and recreation:  Reading literature on Indian culture; training in seed production and animal husbandry; working on cow breeding and milk production; reading and collecting literature on cow breeding.

Special interests:  Doing research on Agriculture.

Sports and clubs:  Hockey and Football; was Captain and Umpire during College days; Marksman of 122 Rifle—Pistol (award winner); President of the Farm Club, Bareilly for the last 10 years and Member of the Clubs affiliated thereto; General Secretary, Bareilly Rifle Club.

Permanent address:  Agras Village & Post Office, Bareilly District, Uttar Pradesh.